Jason Wright Electric Blog ⚡️

Smart Thermostats for Energy Savings

Smart Thermostats for Energy Savings

Smart thermostats offer homeowners the ability to control heating and cooling systems remotely, optimize energy usage, and potentially reduce utility bills. Installing a smart thermostat involves several considerations and steps to ensure maximum efficiency and...

Latest Blog Posts

Weathering the Storm: Electrical Safety Tips During Stormy Weather

Weathering the Storm: Electrical Safety Tips During Stormy Weather

Stormy weather can wreak havoc on residential electrical systems, posing potential risks to both property and personal safety. From thunderstorms to hurricanes, understanding how to protect your home's electrical system during inclement weather is crucial. In this...

The Importance of Electrical Inspections Before Buying a Home

The Importance of Electrical Inspections Before Buying a Home

  Buying a home is a significant investment, and ensuring its safety and integrity is paramount. While many aspects of a property are carefully examined during the buying process, one critical area that should not be overlooked is the electrical system. In this...

Common Electrical Problems in Older Homes

Common Electrical Problems in Older Homes

Older homes possess a unique charm and character, but they often come with their fair share of electrical challenges. Aging electrical systems, outdated wiring, and inadequate components can lead to various issues that compromise safety and functionality. In this blog...

Safety First: Childproofing Your Home’s Electrical System

Safety First: Childproofing Your Home’s Electrical System

As parents, ensuring the safety of our children is always a top priority, especially when it comes to the potential hazards of electricity in the home. Childproofing the electrical system is essential to creating a safe environment where kids can explore and play...

Wired for Success: Creating a Productive and Safe Home Office Space

Wired for Success: Creating a Productive and Safe Home Office Space

As remote work becomes increasingly common, creating a functional and safe home office space is essential for productivity and well-being. One crucial aspect of a home office setup is the electrical wiring, which plays a significant role in both productivity and...